showing 2 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Street Fighter EX3  Capcom (Arika)2000One of the most popular series in video game history enters the PlayStation2 platform with Street Fighter EX3. Building on the EX branch of the series, this game has all of the old fighters you love (and love to hate) as well as the same controls. What's new is that these characters are now dynamic 3-D models working through a system of tag-team bouts. Try taking on three of these studied fighters at the same time. If you do well, one of them will choose to be your tag-team partner. You'll be able to switch between the two fighters at will or work them together in lethal dual combos. Also new to the series is the game's Hard Attack--an indefensible blow that reduces the competition.***I have been playing the series since part 2. I love ex 3 and i am a god damned street fighter genius i have uncovered a few things in this game that i have never heard or seen on the Internet ...
Like evil Ryu's meteor tag combo partner and I unlocked maniac mode and have completed 5 of the missions [and believe me the missions are insanely difficult...] In short I would like to know what happens at the end of aces journey.... ace when powered up is pretty damned cool... look for the little yellow stars 3 stars means your done..... I myself have acquired every move for the left side and EVERY DAMNED YELLOW STAR BABY! there are many secrets inside ace..many of which I have found....I'm looking for another master maybe has found at least half of what i have discovered...... if you are on my level please reply onthis site...... and if you show me yours I'll show you mine......
Theme Park World  Electronic Arts (Bullfrog)2000Utilizing the unique capabilities of the PlayStation2 console, Theme Park Roller Coaster aims to deliver a complete amusement-park experience. Players can build the coaster of their dreams, then ride it from a first-person perspective.
From the same perspective, explore eight environments across four themes: Lost World, Halloween World, Space Zone, and Wonder Land.
There are hidden minigames to discover, a new physics system, and complete weather systems. Of course, you don't want to have all of the fun; watch how visitors react (both ecstatic and wobbly) to your rides. The 3-D characters are enhanced by a new skeletal animation system, complete with full facial animations.
The interface was designed specifically for the Dual Shock 2 controller, and an interactive help system is there to help you get, uh, rolling.***